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Movie Night May 10th, 2024

Bonjour parents,


Date Nights: May 10th, 2024. Kids enjoy crafts, themed games, a movie, popcorn, and fun with friends, while parents enjoy three hours of free time. From 5 pm to 8 pm. Dropp-off starts at 5 pm and picks up at 8 pm.


$45 for the first child! Siblings $25. La Petite Ecole current and former parents receive a 10 % discount. **NEW** MUST RSVP as soon as possible. Spots are limited and first come, first served. Please pay via check or Venmo Madame Serap Sekmen @Serap-Sekmen

Check made out to "La Petite Ecole".


This night is suitable for children ages 3 to 8 years old.



 Date Night payment is due at the time of reservation. A full refund is given if a cancellation is provided within 48 hours (by Wednesday 1PM EST). A full credit is applied to your family's account if a cancellation is provided within 24 hours (by Thusrday 1PM EST). NO refund is given for no shows or cancellation less than 24 hours.


Movie: Mickey Mouse- Le prince et le pauvre. The prince and the poor; en français.

Please complete the form, pay via check, mail it to La Petite Ecole, or scan it and email it to

Drop off the registration form attached to this email or mail it to :


St. Paul's Lutheran Church

La Petite Ecole

28 Lincoln Avenue, Pittsford, NY 14534.

Also, scan the form, email it to, and pay via Venmo, Madame Serap Sekmen @Serap-Sekmen.


Movie night will occur at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Pittsford Village. 


Who will be in charge? Madame Kari, Madame Serap, and Our Lady Mercy School for young women students.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via phone at 899-0290 or our website,




Mme Kari and LPE staff. 




Kari Maaraba

Director de La Petite École

Phone: 585-899-0290

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