Dear Parents,
I am honored to have you as an LPE family member for the upcoming school year and I can assure you the journey will be full of excitement and learning.
LPE staff is proud of the work we do inside the Preschool and equally proud of the brain stimulation we provide with our curriculum. Just to mention, LPE former students benefited from this type of preparatory work and it helped them as they tackled another journey into kindergarten.
We are looking forward to all of our New and Returning parents for another great year of french immersion at LPE.
Madame Kari
Directrice de La Petite École
Procedures for Reopening La Petite Ecole Preschool for 2022-2023 School Year
While LPE Preschool has always put children’s health and safety first, we’re proud to adopt even more guidelines to help reduce the spread of infection and keep your families healthy. Parents, Students, and Teachers will notice these changes in place beginning of the school year for everyone’s health and well-being.
Additional precautions that will be taken will include all staff wearing masks, all high touch surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day, and outdoor playtime will be staggered on the big yard to limit the number of children playing.
These procedures are being implemented to keep your child and my teaching staff safe and healthy. Any questions or concerns can be addressed via email to Me. Mme Kari
1-Parents are required to take their child’s temperature in the morning before dropping off at school. If your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher they must stay at home for a full 24 hours after their fever has broken without the use of fever-reducing medication. Under no circumstances will we be administering fever-reducing medication at school.
2-Parents are required to wear a mask when dropping off and picking up their children.
3-All children will be dropped off at the front door of the preschool to a member of our teaching staff. Please talk to your children about the new procedures for drop off. The sidewalk outside the school will be marked for parents to social distance as they wait to drop off and for pick up as well.
4-Well checks will be done at the door by teaching staff. This check will include: taking your child's temperature, and asking if they have had a fever, cough, trouble breathing, skin rashes, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours. If your child has had any of the following symptoms they will not be allowed to attend school that day.
5-Parents will not be allowed in the building to pick up their children or use the restrooms. For early pick-up, for any reason, parents can come to the front door and call the preschool 899-0290, a member of our staff will get your child and their belongings and meet you at the door.
6- We will NOT be serving any snacks at school until further notice. Please make sure you are packing enough snacks for your child daily. We will be refilling water bottles at school as needed.
7-We are not allowing personal items to be brought from home at this time, this includes items to share and toys.
8-If your child develops a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or any type of rash we will call you immediately so that you may pick up your child. We require that your child be picked up within a half-hour of us calling. Please make sure you make arrangements for this accordingly.
9-All parents will be required to sign a waiver due to COVID-19. This will be required for enrollment.
10-The schedule will remain the same.
Drop-off 8:45 AM
Pick up: 11:30 AM
Date to remember:
***First day of Preschool, September 12th, 2022***